Journal Articles
- Aligning sequence reads, clone sequences and assembly contigs with BWA-MEM.
Probabilistic Modeling In Genomics, HHMI, US, 2013-04.
- MAQ: Mapping and Assembly with Qualities. Conference
on the
Biology of Genomes. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, US,
2008-05-08. (poster)
PhD Thesis
- Li H. (2006) Constructing the TreeFam database. PhD thesis,
the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of
Science. [PDF
in English
in Chinese]
- Quest for standard -- Sequence Alignment/Map format. GMOD
Aug2009 meeting. Oxford university, UK. (Talk; slides and summary available
- Modeling gene trees with Context-Free Grammar. Workshop on
Current Challenges & Problems in
Phylogenetics. Issac Newton
Institute, Cambridge UK, 2007-09-03. (Slides and audio available